Terms & Conditions
Terms & Conditions of Purchase
TERMS AND CONDITIONS as at 1 July 2021
Buy purchasing any semen (the "Frozen Semen") listed on this website you (the "Purchaser") enter in to an agreement with Keystone Operations Pty Ltd ("KOP") on the following terms:
KOP is a frozen semen import service. KOP makes no claims as to the availability, fertility, viability, or freedom of disease of semen.
The Purchaser acknowledges that liability for semen quality rests solely with the relevant stallion owner.
Prices are subject to change.
KOP have the right to refuse service.
KOP will provide a full refund to Purchasers of money received if the Frozen Semen does not clear Australian customs from the breeder and their vet in Europe.
The Purchaser understands that KOP have a right to require an examination of breeding soundness must be performed on the Mare and results reported to KOP prior to breeding with Frozen Semen, such examination to be carried out by a licensed Veterinary Surgeon and include a uterine culture and biopsy at KOP’s sole and absolute discretion.
The Purchaser understands that the “Certificate of Insemination” and “Certificate of Pregnancy Diagnosis” must be returned to KOP in order to receive a Breeding/Covering Certificate for foal registration purposes.
Unless the semen is advertised as "Unlimited", the Stud Fee (breeding fee) is payable by the Purchaser in advance for the purchase of no more than one (1) insemination dose to be used in the breeding of one (1) live foal.
Where semen is advertised as "Unlimited", the Stud Fee (breeding fee) is payable by the Purchaser in advance for the purchase of no more than one (1) insemination dose to be used in the breeding for multiple foals limited to the number of straws provided in the dose to the same mare. This can be achieved via use of low dosing or ICSI protocols.
One (1) insemination dose shall be shipped from the Genemovers of 8 Station St, Maddingley Victoria 3340, Australia (“Australian Storage Agent”) or Equibreed 399 Parklands Road, Rotoorangi 3879 New Zealand ("New Zealand Agent") to the Purchaser at the Purchaser’s cost.
The Purchaser is responsible for payment to the Australian Storage Agent or transporter of the Purchasers choice of all local transportation and flask hire fees.
Title in the semen passes at the point of full payment and receipt of confirmation from KOP.
There is no live foal guarantee.
In the event that a viable pregnancy and/or live foal is not achieved, there shall be no refund of any fees to the Purchaser.
The Purchaser understands that no semen shall be shipped until all fees have been paid.
In the event that the mare produces live twins or twin embryos via ET, the Purchaser shall pay to KOP an additional Stud Fee less 30% ("Second Stud Fee"), unless the semen is advertised as Unlimited.
Unless the semen is marked Unlimited, the Purchaser may not use any left-over semen on a second mare for the breeding of a second foal without the prior written agreement of KOP. The Second Stud Fee will be due and payable where a subsequent pregnancy reaches 45 days positive pregnancy.
KOP do not accept liability for any incorrect information. Customers are advised to verify the accuracy of all information themselves, and to discuss all issues with their vet as appropriate.
The Purchaser and KOP agree that the terms and conditions set out above and those included in the Handling and Shipping Terms page of this website.
These terms shall be interpreted and governed by the laws of Australia. Any dispute under this Contract shall be subject to arbitration via the Victorian civil tribunal.
Payment Methods
- Credit / Debit Cards
- Offline Payments